How to Prevent Mold

How to Prevent Mold

If the word “mold” is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat, you aren’t alone. It’s something no homeowner wants to think about, but it’s an everyday part of life. Mold is everywhere. Spores are found in the air indoors and out, and there is no way to remove them entirely. And since they can grow on almost any surface, all it takes is the right conditions for you to have a major problem on your hands. So how to prevent mold?

Luckily, there are ways to prevent mold from overtaking your home. While there is no way to get rid of the spores entirely, you can keep them from growing out of control by ensuring your home is not a hospitable environment for mold growth.

So, what does mold need to grow? Moisture.

When it comes to mold prevention, moisture control is the name of the game. If you aren’t sure how to go about removing dampness from your home, or where to begin looking for problem areas, here are a few tips to get you started.

Monitor the moisture in your home

You can buy meters from home improvement stores to keep track of the moisture level in your home. The EPA advises indoor environments should be between 30 and 60 percent, although lower than 55 percent is ideal, and these meters will show you how close you are to hitting the mark.

Take care of problem areas right away

It’s time to have a look around and find out if there are any areas where water might be causing a problem you aren’t even aware of. Mold can grow even in places that are out of sight, so a lack of discoloration on the bathroom ceiling isn’t always a good enough indicator that you’re in the clear. Check pipes and ductwork to make sure there are no leaks. Take note of any areas where there seems to be excessive condensation, such as on windows or in the bathroom. Watch for flooding, both in your yard and in the basement, during rain storms. Make sure your gutters are in good working order.

Anywhere water is allowed to accumulate is a prime target for mold.

Move the air in your home frequently

Proper ventilation not only cuts down on excessive moisture, but it also helps trap allergens in your HVAC system’s filtration system, or in the case of open doors and windows, it moves fresh air into the home, while allowing stagnant air to escape. Open doors and windows when feasible, change the filters on your air handler often, and use ceiling fans to circulate air within the rooms of your home.

Think you might have a mold issue already?

If in spite of your best efforts you think you might have a problem with mold, it’s time to call in the experts. Here at Rapidcan, we have over 15 years’ experience in handling even the most severe cases of mold and other water damage. We’ll test your air quality, find the source of the problem, and get it fixed quickly and affordably… so you can breathe easy.

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